How do you explain your job to non-sector people?

How do you explain your job to non-sector people? “I definitely understand why dating within the aid worker population is appealing. Conversations with laymen are hard. I think I only try once in a while, usually when I’m unusually overwhelmed or frustrated and it kind of comes pouring out. But it’s exhausting, because you realize how many words you need to use just to catch the person up on why something is as vexing as it is. It’s such an intricate environment.” – female HQ worker “Entirely depends on the person, and their previous knowledge level and the degree of real interest.” – female expat worker “As long as I return alive, that’s all she cares about. Fine by me. It’s better she does not know.” – male HQ worker Sharing With whom do you share details about your life as an aid worker?  Under what circumstances? At what level of detail?  How … Continue reading How do you explain your job to non-sector people?